Corporate Names at Burning Man

Date: Sat 7 Oct 2000
From: Adrian Truini 
Subject: Re; Costco Theme Camp

I found it incredibly offensive to to see, hear, read about a
theme camp named Costco.  I don't care what pun they were trying 
to make the fact is they were advertising a huge corporation in 
a place that is SO blessed with zero corporate influence.  It's 
absolutely one of the most beautiful things about Burningman - 
NO corporate influence  NO advertising  NO bullshit.  The fact
that these morons chose a corporate name for their camp only
goes to show how brainwashed their poor minds have already become 
by living in this astonishingly corporate influenced world.  In 
the world of advertising there is no such thing as a bad 
advertisement.  ANYTHING that gets the name of the company out 
there, firmly entrenched in people's minds is better than nothing.
The fact that the Burning Man organization allowed such an
advertisement to exist astonishes me.  Especially when they ask 
people to go through the somewhat arduous task of covering up 
corporate logos on there trucks and vans.

Maybe next year there won't only be a Costco but also a Walmart
and Sam's club theme camp.  And it wouldn't matter what their 
theme was.  The fact is you'd have Walmart and Sam's club 
plastered all over the What Where When guide.  Stupid!!!!!  
Who the hell are these morons that think they're being cute?
It's exactly this type of thinking that corporations are striving
for, to the point where they would love it if we forgot that there 
was ever anything else, ever any other way to live, to be.  It's 
almost a form of flattery that the jokes we make the gripes we 
have center around a corporation or their product because it
means that they are a part of our lives, a part of our minds, a
part of us.  And its disgusting.

The concept of their camp was a good one though.  A brilliant and 
fun idea.  So I guess they aren't really morons, just brainwashed.

I hope Burning Man can truly keep corporate influence the hell
out.  It is NOT WELCOME!!!!!

Thank You

Adrian Truini