Costco Lost and Found
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 1998 From: Mark Mulligan Subject: customer service To whom it may concern, upon a visit to the northlake blvd. lake part FL. store I was very surprised. I arrived at the store about ten min. before opening and found about fifty customers waiting outside for the store to open! the doors did not open till exactly ten o'clock not a second sooner. Now don't get me wrong I am the customer service manager for the HOME DEPOT in Jupiter fl. so I know what it is like to deal with the public from both sides of the door, but you should Know that the customers waiting outside all felt that the store has very poor customer service. The employees that opened the door were hurried and annoyed by the number of people waiting. I know that your people have tasks to perform before opening the store but the fact that we were waiting seemed to set them off. I shop in Costco quite often and have felt that the customer service was lacking at most times. I know when we have customers waiting outside at my store we announce that we are letting the customers in and start our day. If the customer is waiting for us we offer them service to get them on there way. when I tried to find the store manager the members of the staff I asked could not tell me where he was of if he was there, how is that? Your company is overall very good and growing fast don't let yourselves grow past the customer service that got you to that point. Sincerely, Mark Mulligan Jupiter Fl Please respond so I know I haven't wasted my time in trying to inform you of something you might not have noticed.
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 From: Missy Clayman Subject: RE: customer service Dear Rico: Thank you for forwarding this message from Mr. Mulligan. Missy Clayman Costco Wholesale Membership Services Department 1.800.774.2678
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 From: nellie kookeshSubject: RE: customer service I would like you to know that, if the store in Juneau is serious about catering to the rural communities in alaska that they should be prepared. All of our travel is done by ferry, and we sometimes cant afford to take our vehicles with us to haul our groveries. So then, it seems that on more than one occasion, costco did not have ONE box or ONE bag to carry our groceries in and we are traveling by BOAT. Why even sell the items if there is nothing to put them in? We didn't have enough pockets to put all of our stuff in. It seems that if you are going to sell products, then provide bags and or BOXES WITH LIDS! This was during the christmas season when everyone is shopping. If we are paying to shop, then at least provide products to carry our groveries home in. Fred Meyers has never let us down in that regard.